Auditing Messages from Cross Account/External/Managed Apps
  • 01 Jun 2022
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Auditing Messages from Cross Account/External/Managed Apps

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Article Summary

Auditing of messages in the EchoStream Cloud is done automatically for you every time a message arrives at a Node. For those Nodes that are external to the EchoStream Cloud (External Nodes). Since you provide the code that implements these Nodes, you are responsible for auditing messages (if you wish) when they received or when you are about to send them.

Auditing using the echostream-node package

External Nodes that you choose to implement in Python can rely on the echostream-node package to help them perform auditing. To perform this, simply call the audit_message or audit_messages method on the Node object (threading or asycnio). Auditing provided by this package will automatically queue your audit messages and concurrently tsend them to the EchoStream Cloud for your Node.

from echostream_node import Message
from echostream_node.threading import AppNode

class MyNode(AppNode):
    def handle_received_message(self, *, message: Message, source: str) -> None:
        self.audit_message(message, source=source)

NOTE - this is the recommended method for both implementing External Nodes and for auditing messages processed by those Nodes.

Auditing without use of the echostream-node package

If you choose to implement your External Node in a lamguage other than Python or you choose not to use the echostream-node package, then you must interact with your App's Audit Records Endpoint directly.

Audit Records Endpoint

The Audit Records Endpoint is a RESTful API endpoint that exposes a single API. This API requires that:

  • You call it with your External Node's name as the path
  • Only accepts POST requests
  • Takes a JSON payload (which may be GZIP'd)
        "messageType": "echo.text", # The name of the EchoStream message type for the auditRecords
        "auditRecords": [ # A list of the audited records, one per message
                "attributes": {...}, # A flat dictionary of string keys and and any scalar value for the message
                "datetime": "2022-06-01T22:50:34.696331+00:00", # The datetime of the audit, in ISO 8601 format
                "previousTrackingIds": [ # A list of previous tracking IDs for the message (optional)
                "sourceNode": "SendingNode", # The name of the Node that sent you the message (optional)
                "trackingId": "5a638b9c84e546b288e351a0d2537fc4" # The tracking ID of the message

Using the Audit Records Endpoint

  1. Get your App's AWS Credentials by calling GetApp.GetAwsCredentials
  2. Get your App's Audit Records Endpoint by calling GetApp.auditRecordsEndpoint
  3. Using the credentials from step #1, construct a SignatureV4 Authorization Token, using lambda as the aws-service
    1. Place the resulting token in the Authorization header
    2. Place the Session token (from step #1) in the x-amz-security-token header
    3. Place the hash of the body in the x-amz-content-sha256 header
    4. Place the date of the request in the x-amz-date header
  4. POST the request to the endpoint from step #2, using your Node's name as the path (be sure to URL-encode the name!)

The endpoint will return a 201 upon success, with the following JSON payload

    "app": "YourApp", # the name of the app the records were recorded for
    "messageType": "echo.text", # the message type used in the audit records
    "node": "YourNode", # the name of the node the records were recorded for
    "recordsProcessed": 20, # the number of audit records that were processed
    "tenant": "YourTenant" # the name of the tenant the records were recorded for

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