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External Nodes, unlike Internal Nodes, are implemented by processing resources outside of the EchoStream Cloud. They can be implemented in any language or system architecture. For example, Managed Nodes are implemented as Docker containers running in an EchoStream Managed App.
All External Nodes run in one of three types of Apps; External, Cross Account or Managed. Apps provide the External Nodes with the credentials necessary to access your Tenant's EchoStream resources that have been assigned to the App, allowing the Node to operate as part of your EchoStream Tenant even though it is computationally remote.
There are two types of External Nodes; External Nodes and Managed Nodes.
External Nodes (the Node, not the category) are wide open regarding how you implement them. Any language, and any compute architecture are supported.
Managed Nodes are a special category of External Nodes (the category). These Nodes are implemented as Docker images and are executed in Managed Apps, EchoStream's hybrid computing model.